Thinking Blogger Award

Saturday, 12 May 2007
We have been nominated for a thinking blogger award from the very talented, very thought provoking and very wise rn_buffoon.

Thank you kindly!

We shall display this in our sidebar as a constant reminder to ourselves and other like-minded (sometimes crazy, always hopeful, usually thoughtful, most times agitated, often contemplative and many times damned fucking irate) women, that if the angst (and the men) were to be removed from our lives, our thinking time would sadly disappear.

I'd like to raise a (very large) glass to thinking women everywhere.


Down it in one and let battle commence.


Bitter & Twisted 2:40 pm, |


  At 13 May 2007 at 07:20 Anonymous Anonymous said:
Yes; Thanks Must go out to rn_buffoon for her kind nomination of our blog!

Thanks so much!