Freaks Of Nature...

Wednesday, 18 April 2007
I've suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "All men are arseholes"!

That may seem a generalisation- and okay; maybe it's not All men- just ninety nine percent of the ones who've fucked with Me...

And women can be bitches because they Have to be; most men just Are arseholes because they can't be anything But arseholes. I'm not a bitch Un-knowingly- I Know when I'm being bitchy- being an arsehole is just a way of life for one of these so-called 'men'.

They're not really 'men' like they think, either- hence the term 'a real man'.

Then again, if 'All men are arseholes' then a real man Is an arsehole. By definition.

The nice ones are just freaks of nature.

(NB I love most men I've met and know; just not the ones who fuck me up. So Don't take Me for a Man-Hater!)


Bitter & Twisted 1:48 pm, |


  At 18 April 2007 at 14:30 Anonymous Anonymous said:
You missed something out.

The freaks of nature are ALWAYS married or gay. A man cannot be a freak of nature if he a single heterosexual, because ALL single heterosexuals are arseholes.

I suppose there may be divorced freaks of nature, but the chances are, if he's divorced, he's an asshole too.
  At 19 April 2007 at 02:23 Anonymous Anonymous said:
Good Points!

All which makes Lesbianism just that little bit more prospective for those women out there currently on the hunt for a new man.

Forget it, Girl's... there just aren't that many good men left out there anymore...
  At 4 June 2007 at 14:25 Anonymous Anonymous said:
Its FAB to find so many women who feel the same. Google searched men are arseholes.... Your right, any guy I think is genuinely nice I assume they are married or gay. I decided to start an 'uncomplicated' thing with a guy, I known him for while. We had amazing night (6 times in 1 night) and he was nipping home then coming back, 3 days later and he appears to have disappeared of the face of the planet......... MEN ARE ARSEHOLES!!