If one person knew the "Formula for Love", or could express it, then there would be no need for this Blog. Aristophanes and Socrates would be passe. As would Soble and everyone else...
So What the fuck Is love?
It's Not an idyllic state. It's torture. I think that's a necessary condition of love. The anguish. If you don't feel it then there is no love. You don't feel anguish if you have no feelings for a person-whether that be mere concern, caring, feelings of a sexual nature; even anger, lust. Love is anguish- it's back and forth torment.
And if it's not- then it's Not love.
People give up on love because it's easier than the hurt. They turn their back on love,even True Love, if the hurt is too much. Love is Not lovey-dovey. It's warts and all. Fuck Romeo and Juliet. Love is accepting, or trying to at least, the other person's faults. Love is Nothing it's cracked up to be.
Trust Me. I am in love.
There are no roses- no serenading. We fuck; we don't Make Love.There are sacrifices, compromises, letdowns, broken promises and lies. There are the good times too- but the shit outweighs the good. Throw in two kids and money troubles and drug addictions and alcoholism and a lack of communication and you can still love someone. You can. I do.
It's not good looks- though of course it never hurts to be pleasing to the eye; though if you can look at someone regardless of their lack of beauty and still genuinely care then that Is love. You love somebody in spite of their faults- even if you want them to change. But even if I want him to change- or He, I- neither of us will. Love makes you stubborn. Unmalleable.
What Is love? It's different for everybody. Few women would love what I love. Love is unique. It's between two people. They have boundaries and limits. They express love differently to other couples. How do you know when you're in love? When you feel sick at the thought of losing someone. When you know it's a very real possibility that you've gone too far, or said too much, this time. When you know they are thinking that it would be easier if they didn't have to deal with You.
Call this Dependency if you like but I need someone to catch me when I'm falling flat on my face. Love is more than a game; I don't mind losing at games but I don't lose my heart easily.
Love is asking someone to prove it to you again and again. I know that sounds needy but it isn't necessarily so...
PROVE IT. That's all. Do what you say. Say what you mean. Don't hide in tricks. You are only short-changing yourself in the long run if you do.
Because you'll never know if you truly love if you are guarded. You have to be vulnerable and open to being hurt. Time and time again if needs be. That's why it lasts. That's why I'm still here. Why my Hubby is still here.
Sadly- we pass on our guarded selves to our children- but we can't be anyone else. If we were any different- we would never have loved each other in the first place.
Love is being love-sick. That's the feeling that separates love from other emotions.
I may be the Buffoon- but I'm no fool...
Labels: Posted by Twisted