Second Chance...

Tuesday, 29 January 2008
I told you to think of this as a Second Chance.

And You told Me you were the one who keeps coming home to This...

Yet I wasn't the one who broke down and cried.

I won't chase after you.



Bitter & Twisted 11:17 am, | 0 comments

Contrary To Belief...

Monday, 14 January 2008
I can't be fucked trying to change your mind about Me.

If I'm fucked; then I'm a Retard. Like you say.

So go on. Leave Me. Again ...

Whenever you're good and fucking ready.

You aren't doing me any favours by staying. I don't have to justify your jealousy.

You are the one who needs to sit down and think about your behaviour and motives. You are a control freak. Who's lost it.

Don't come back to my bed again. I don't fucking Need you. You haven't even tried to figure this shit out.

If it's all my fault then I'm sick of hearing it. Leave Me the fuck Alone.

You lose.


I hope you wake up at 3.30 and can't sleep.

Find Independence at your Mother's house.

I'm only broke because I took little Son camping to the beach.

I'm not jealous of You; or anybody that you spend time with.

You mean shit. Compared to how I feel about our Kids.

I will leave you in an instant if you call me a Retard again.

I'm not fucked up but I'm better than You and you fucking KNOW it.

That's the only reason you have a problem with Me. Because I'm fucking smarter.

I can't educate you. I'm not a fucking teacher.

You either get it . Or you don't.

You don't believe me about how I feel. And worse; you don't fucking care when I tell you.

There's no hope left for Us. We will go around in fucking circles until you realise this.

Why can I talk to Mac and Twink about this and They get it?

And you don't?

Thanks for the memories. You are a fucking saint.

Do you want appreciation?

Then start fucking earning it.


Bitter & Twisted 11:42 am, | 0 comments